More than just residential.
As well as Residential projects, we also have commercial clients who we assist on a regular basis, in order to upkeep their premises. We truly believe in maintaining one of the greatest assets in businesses, thus being your building. Whether you require ongoing repairs & maintenance, or building improvements, we can assist where necessary.
Our commercial clients are prioritised accordingly. We understand the time pressures in a commercial & business environment.
Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements may include:
Spatial Updates, such as existing lunchrooms, office spaces, bathrooms, reception, sales areas etc
Electrical upgrades, such as new lighting plans, server/IT area updates
Interior Paint Works including gib repairs & stopping
Creating new spaces within existing areas, enabling you to make use of wasted space
Interior R&M, minor through to major i.e bathroom fixture repairs, plumbing emergencies, ceiling tile replacements, removing/adding furniture or cabinetry. The list is endless.
Exterior R&M such as roof leaks/repairs, gutter blockages, building washes, sign removal/installation, bollard installs and so forth.
We are happy to visit and assess your needs, one-off, or ongoing. Get in touch!